Complete the Online Application Form below.

You’ll receive an obligation-free response within 48 hours.

The Process

  1. Complete Online Application Form: You’ll receive an obligation-free response within 48 hours.
  2. Assessment & advice: An experienced certifier will review the vessel details, run calculations & advise you of your options.
  3. Australian Builders Plate issued: ABPs are certified and produced weekly. They are shipped within 4-8 days of payment.
  4. Revision Statement: We will also email you a revision statement as a PDF file outlining the revised ratings and any special conditions. This will be required by your insurer.
  5. Affix ABP plaque at home: The self-adhesive plaque is easy to install on your boat. Our team will also contact you for photographic proof, too.
  6. Remember to stay up to date: If you modify the boat and information changes then you need to have a new ABP fitted. Please get in touch if you need any assistance.